Business groups is based on the formation of these enterprises have the same historical tradition, with similar resources, target customers, product positioning and the consistency of the higher side. 企业族群的形成是基于这些企业有相同的历史传统,拥有相近的资源,在目标顾客、产品定位等方而的一致性较高。
The most important accounting principles include the accrual principle, the historical principle, the realization principle, the matching principle, the prudence principle, the objectivity prin-ciple, the full-disclosure principle, the consistency principle and the materiality principle. 最重要的会计原则包括权责发生制原则、历史成本原则、收入实现原则、配比原则、稳健性原则、客观性原则、充分揭示原则、一致性原则及重要性原则。
Their dialogues indicate that there is not only historical consistency but also a high degree of logical consistency in the development of their thoughts. 这种对话不仅表明他们的思想形成具有历史的一致性,而且表明他们的思想在逻辑上也是相当的一致的。
Contens and purposes critical evaluation of geologic disaster:? Historical activity level of geologic hazards: including scale, frequency, consistency; 地质灾害危险性评价的内容和目的:①地质灾害历史活动程度:包括历史灾害活动的规模、频次、密度;
The cultural circle and modes formed by historical changes and individual geographical features in the western part of China, on one hand, produce an overall consistency of the west culture, but on the other hand, they reflect specific characteristics at different levels. 西部因历史流变而形成的文化圈和因地理单元的独特性造成的文化板块,使西部文化整体上具有一致性而层面上又有特殊性。
In terms of historical necessity and logic consistency, economic analysis is necessary. 从历史必然性和逻辑一致性两方面来看,经济分析是必要的。
Does research on Asia modernization from the angle of historical view of the consistency of diversity; 用多样性统一的历史观研究亚洲现代化;
Historical development of human society has consistency and regularity, and to a certain extent, its development restricts the progress of literature. 人类社会历史的发展具有一致性和规律性,其发展在一定程度上制约着文学的进步。